Shahram Khosravi - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Shahram Khosravi
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  1. 'Illegal' Traveller (Inbunden)


    Shahram Khosravi

    ISBN: 9780230230798 - UTGIVEN: 201004

    In 'Illegal' Traveller, Shahram Khosravi explores the issue of borders and border crossing in the era of globalization and transnationalism, analyzing how the nation-state system regulates movements of people. In doing do, Khosravi contends that freedom of mobility for some is only possible through [...]

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    från 1015.00 kr
  2. 'Illegal' Traveller (Häftad)


    Shahram Khosravi

    ISBN: 9780230336742 - UTGIVEN: 201108

    In 'Illegal' Traveller, Shahram Khosravi explores the issue of borders and border crossing in the era of globalization and transnationalism, analyzing how the nation-state system regulates movements of people. In doing so, he contends that freedom of mobility for some is only possible through the or[...]

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    från 460.00 kr
  3. Young and Defiant in Tehran (Häftad)


    Shahram Khosravi

    ISBN: 9780812220681 - UTGIVEN: 200904

    With more than half its population under twenty years old, Iran is one of the world's most youthful nations. The Iranian state characterizes its youth population in two ways: as a homogeneous mass, "an army of twenty millions" devoted to the Revolution, and as alienated, inauthentic, Westernized con[...]

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    från 274.00 kr
  4. Young and Defiant in Tehran (Inbunden)


    Shahram Khosravi

    ISBN: 9780812240399 - UTGIVEN: 2007-11

    Young and Defiant in Tehran Shahram Khosravi With more than half its population under twenty years old, Iran is one of the world's most youthful nations. The Iranian state characterizes its youth population in two ways: as a homogeneous mass, "an army of twenty millions" devoted to the Revolution, a[...]

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    från 406.00 kr
  5. Orienten i Sverige : samtida möten och gränssnitt (Häftad)


    Simon Ekström, Maria Bäckman, Shahram Khosravi, Ann Runfors, David Gunnarsson, Jenny Ask, Karin Högström

    ISBN: 9789144016122 - UTGIVEN: 200610

    "Orienten" finns till stor del bara i de västliga betraktarnas ögon. På samma sätt ryms bortom det geografiska Sverige bilden av "Sverige". I orientalismens följd är det nödvändigt att även bekanta sig med occidentalismen, idéer och stereotyper om Väst.

    Därför handlar denna [...]

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    från 297.00 kr